Friday, March 6, 2009

Avian Flu Scare

Well I found the video for what I posted yesterday and put it into this playlist. It is a 9-part playlist and will play automatically once you start it. The first clip is audio, and the rest is video. There is strong evidence here that what I once thought was just a story to panic the public, (Bird Flu), is in fact an actual mechanism to cull the masses, with the added "benefit" of bringing in severe martial law.

Some of the scariest information on this is in videos #6 through #9 of this playlist, from Dr. Rebecca Carley. She has unquestionable evidence that this Avian flu is being readied for release on the public with massive tragic results. Take your vitamin C, lots of it. And by all means, quit taking vaccines and quit giving them to your kids.

More on Flu Shots... Vaccinations
Vicious Vaccines; -Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD 09/11/2008

Lew Rockwell interviews Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Running time: 15:20
Download MP3
Thanks Eric!

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