Thursday, March 5, 2009

Alex Jones Predicts Today

Today Alex Jones was freeeeaking out about his latest prediction which he compares to his prediction of 911 two months before it happened. Due to my lack of time today, I can't edit and upload the audio yet, but I will as soon as I can. I just had to get this on my blog the same day of his prediction. Somebody may have already loaded it on Youtube if you're inclined to look; just type in Alex Jones 03/05/2009 on the Youtube search box and see what comes up.

The jist of his prediction is, there will be a biological false-flag terror attack very soon. He was not specific on dates, but he was freeeeaking out about it enough to be up all night sweating as he put the pieces of the "puzzle" together. Evidently there were a string of news reports yesterday all over the world (except for the United States of course), that AJ says he was able to prognosticate this latest of his "fear mongering". If you don't trust Alex Jones, you're 'lucky'. I happen to trust him very much. Needless to say, this prediction of his has me very nervous.

This was spooky folks. AJ was not "guessing", or saying "there's a chance". He said, "I am 100% sure that there will soon be a biological attack. First, a localized small area, perhaps 100,000 dead or so, and then, a pandemic." That's what he said. He is really sticking his neck out on this one.

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