— Adolf Hitler (1933)
Red Alert!! Emergency Alert!!
Stop the NEW Real ID act S.1261 called The Pass Act.
"Mark of the Beast" Still a Threat on your Driver's License:
ARTICLE: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Comparing-the-PASS-Act-wit-by-Sheila-Dean-090619-738.html
Stop the NEW Real ID act S.1261 called The Pass Act.
"Mark of the Beast" Still a Threat on your Driver's License:
ARTICLE: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Comparing-the-PASS-Act-wit-by-Sheila-Dean-090619-738.html
Barking up the wrong tree there! The Mark of the Beast will be a tattoo, not a chip. To find out why, read my free e-book Walkabout: The History of a Brief Century. Chips here and there are just improved surveillance, invasion of privacy, Big Brother stuff, a mere rehearsal.
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