Monday, April 20, 2009

Steve Quayle Scares the Cr#@ Out of Me!

We've Got About 90 Days Part 2

Alex Jones Interviews Steve Quayle__04/20/2009
Running time: 00:47:41
Download MP3

As a personal side note, toward the end of this clip Steve Quayle mentions that there are reports coming in from all over the nation that there is a "selective" census going on right now which seems to be targeting strictly the homes of gun owners. Just 2 weeks ago, as the dogs started barking over here, I peeked over the fence to see a guy with some type of electronic clip board in the driveway. I asked him what he wanted and he said he was "just taking a census...but no worries, he didn't really need to talk to anybody."

Anyway, if I get time I will go through this clip, comment more on it, and post significant or pertinent links to any related info in this interview. The last 90 days indeed were significant, and if you haven't noticed, then you just haven't been paying attention. The next 90 days seem to be picking up speed, and/or, perhaps a false sense of recovery to set us up for the final blow shortly after. Either way, this information is significant, parallels Biblical principles relating to how evil works, and, how Christians and other Patriots MUST resist the most tyranical force to ever curse the face of the earth in all of history. I told you this was scary stuff.


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